DIY Face Mask

This is a step-by-step tutorial on how you can make your own face mask at home. It’s not a TIZZUE but it’s still great. We’ve set it up for those who have a sewing machine and notions on-hand but if you can't find everything, no worries. If you don't have a nice elastic at home peek in your kitchen drawers for 2 big elastic bands and snip them into one long piece. If you don’t have a wire, look for a twist-tie (maybe there is one holding your bread bag closed) or just skip it. If you don’t have binding, we have a quick easy solution.
If at any time you find the instruction to be to complicated, just do your best. If at the end you have something the resembles a mask and it covers your mouth, you've done a good enough job!
- 2 x elastic approx. 25 cm in length each for the ear loops
- 1 piece of fabric of your choice; approx. 17 cm x 16 cm (we recommend a lightweight or stretch fabric - could even be cut from an old garment)
- 1 thin wire for nose bridge *optional
- 2 x fold-over-elastic or binding approx. 12 cm in length each *optional
What you will need:
- sewing machine (or hand sewing needle if you have the time…)
- thread
- scissors
- pins
- iron
Seam allowance:
Top of mask 1.25 cm
Side and bottom seams 6 mm

Step One: Notch & Fold
Take your square of fabric and cut 4 notches (little slits) into both lengthwise sides (you can also mark these with chalk or a pencil). These will indicate where you will form your pleats. The first notch should be 4 cm down from the top raw edge, the second notch 6 cm down from the top, the third notch 9.5 cm down from the top and the fourth notch 12 cm down from the top. The middle pleat is a little bit wider to accommodate for the nose.
Fold the notches downward to make 3 pleats. Press and pin in place.

Step Two: Pleat
Tack down your pleats with a basting stitch (wide stitch) on both sides about 5 mm from the raw edge, just to hold them in place.
Step 3: Prepare the Hem
Take your fabric and double fold down your seam allowance 6 mm each fold at the top of the mask. Press and pin to hold in place. Do the same with the bottom hem. This will give your mask a clean finish - we all like a clean finish.

Step 4: Sew the Hem
Sew your bottom hem (with the right side facing up) with one straight stitch. At the top hem, sew one straight stitch, catching the edge of the fold. Sew a second straight stitch at the top of the very edge of the fold to hold down the seam allowance. You have now created a channel to insert the wire for the nose bridge. If you don’t have a wire, skip to step 6.

Step 5: Insert your wire
Take your wire or twist tie and insert it into the channel. Push it into the middle and create two stay-stitches to hold the wire in place.

Step 6: Cover the raw edges
Now take your fold-over-elastic or binding tape and line it up to the sides of your mask. You can tuck down your fold-over-elastic or binding tape at the top and bottom to create another clean finish. Sandwich the fabric with the raw end lining up to the middle of the elastic or binding, sew (I like to use a zigzag stitch), close the sandwich and sew to finish. Do this on both sides. If you don’t have these on hand, you can make your own binding from extra fabric or opt for punk-rock and leave the edges raw.

Step 8: Attach your elastics
Now for the grand finale. Take your two elastics (which will be the elastics that you loop around your ears to hold the mask in place) and sew each edge of the elastic down onto the corners from the back side of the mask.
Step 9:
Tada - you are done! Now be sure to wear it or make some more for those you adore. Remember kids - keep your heads high mouths covered.
P.S This mask is not intended for commercial use.